It’s been a while since I last posted a blog on the site. The best way to start the new year consists of continuing to discuss finishing long-sitting projects. During the last seven months, work has kept me hopping and older projects sat on the side for a little bit more. In January, I started a Q1 list of old projects to finish. This list consists of my High Elf Dragon Knights of Caledor and Arkhan the Black from Games Workshop, and the Dragon from Dragons Don’t Share from Reaper Miniatures, all of which have been sitting on shelf in various states for a while.
In January I worked on the High Elf Dragon Knights from Games Workshop. These knights represent a hard-hitting force in my Kings of War army. However, I recently found other war games to use them in as well, such as Oathmark. The chosen colors for the elves in my Kings of War elf army consist of red, green, and white. Each of these colors are present but vary in amount to make each unit more unique. For the knights, it’s a large amount of red, white, and spot colors of green. They stand out but still feel as if they exist in the same force as the rest of the elven army.
The last part of the regiment – a gryph-hound, found its place in the knightly ranks towards the end of January. I am ecstatic that I completed an item on the list! This fantastical beast is a mascot and a unit filler for this group of knights. Shown below – the knight regiment and a few of the gryph-hound.

I purchased Arkhan the Black used and already assembled and started painting over four years ago. Initially I made excellent progress but then the connection point (very fragile and poorly designed – yes, I’m looking at you GW) broke. Over the last few years, I attempted to find a solution to this problem unsuccessfully. Recently a good potential solution presented itself. If the solution works I plan on sharing in the future. For now, the plan remains to finish painting the model with adjustments to the painting scheme. Why the adjustments you ask? Not enough contrast on the model due to the sheer amount of bones present. I’m crossing my fingers that I can complete this and the other model in the months of February and March. Current photo of the model shared below.

The last project on this list for Q1 is the dragon from Dragons Don’t Share 2013 by Reaper miniatures. While I completed the terrain for this last year, my focus will be on the dragon this quarter. My vision of the dragon is quite clear to me. While Reaper says it’s a red dragon, I see it as something else. Right now, there is no paint or primer on the miniature. Making it the one with the most work to be done. I’ll be thrilled if I get even halfway done before the end of the quarter. Once again, pictures below.

I’m hoping to continue this series after Q1. I’ll see how this quarter goes and decide from there. At least my goal is to be more active on the website and update it a bit more. Either way, I’ll see you soon, and I’m always open for commissions!
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